Waverley Park Physiotherapy Centre
03 8789 7927

25-27 Enterprise Ave

Berwick VIC 3806

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Australian Physiotherapy Association
03 8789 7927

25-27 Enterprise Ave

Berwick VIC 3806

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Waverley Park Physiotherapy Centre
03 8789 7927

25-27 Enterprise Ave

Berwick VIC 3806

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Physioworks Health Group Physiotherapists Andrew Dalwood, Jonathon Dodd & Irwin Kim are supporting and participating in the ECHO Research Study by the University of Melbourne.

The study seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of physiotherapy exercise rehabilitation and diet in reducing hip pain in people with hip osteoarthritis (Hip OA).

Initially run as a trial study in early 2021 (read more here); the ECHO Research Study is now being expanded – and we are looking for eligible participants.

Physioworks – Hip OA Research participation

If you have hip pain and/or Hip OA you may be eligible to participate in the trial with our team at either the Physioworks Camberwell or Cranbourne clinics.

For information on the ECHO Research Study, and to find out whether or not you are eligible, and to express interest as a participant – go here.

Or simply give our reception team a call at either of the clinics to find out more. Call Camberwell (03) 9889 6611 and Cranbourne  (03) 5995 1111.